Letter From Editor : Bye For Now Wow, today we publish issue number 72!I can't believe we've been keeping you entertained for so long. But the truth is, we have enjoyed every bit of it - from figuring out the best publishing software on which to write pagefive (yes, yes. We are techies!), to our editorial meetings, to actually writing the articles and delivering them to you. Over these many weeks, we've discovered what you enjoy reading about most (or least) and we've managed to get tons of feedback from you, our loyal readers.This is why we've decided to put our page five on short hiatus.Have no fear, it will come back. We're just taking the time to review the design and rethinking the content, so you can enjoy even more with each future issue. In the meantime you will still continue to receive our weekly emails highlighting certain products that we have available onTHE FIFTH COLLECTION. So, stay put! We'll be back with even more and even better content in a couple of weeks! Issue 72Nejla Matam-Finn, The Editor-in-Chief31 August 2015people, Letter From the EditorComment Facebook0 Twitter LinkedIn0 Reddit Tumblr Pinterest0 0 Likes