Looking Good: Roll On The Jade

I've been reading up alot on this "jade roller" facial massage technique since it became a beauty trend back in early 2016. At one point, it seemed like top models, including Behati Prinsloo (yes, Mrs Adam Levine), Dree Hemingway and Miranda Kerr (yes, former Mrs Orlando Bloom), were big fans of the contraption. So, like most people, I started googling about this roller. I found out that celebrity facialists have been using this technique on their clients for years. 

But what exactly is the fuss? 

According to research, jade rollers have been in the beauty box of many women since the 7th century. It was a beauty contraption that was invented by the Chinese (thus, the jade). It is said that jade rollers help to reduce puffiness in the face, remove toxins from the body, increase blood circulation and, erm, balance your qi. So, basically, it has anti-ageing benefits. The elite women in ancient China used the jade roller as a tool to maintain smooth and youthful looking skin. 

Sounds interesting, no? Reading up on the benefits of the jade roller, I realised that it's almost similar to derma rolling. You know, the roller contraption with the teeny tiny titanium needles pricking your face? Now, derma rolling is supposed to "trick" your skin into thinking that your face is experiencing some sort of a trauma, thereby stimulating collagen to rush to the surface to "repair" the "damage". This gives you that youthful looking skin. But, believe you me... that *ish hurts. I tried it once and vowed never to have that touch my face ever again. 

Anyway, back to the jade roller. So, this roller contraption is similar to derma rolling. The difference is that it is gentler (MUCH MUCH gentler) on the skin and it has healing properties - you know, like "balancing your qi", and jade (like crystals) have "energy healing properties". It all sounds very mambo-jambo (and not the kind you used to find at Zouk on Wednesdays), but then again I'm really not a crystals and gemstones kind of person. Nevertheless, I was very eager to try this out.

Scrolling through my favourite Instagram accounts, I came across a post on the jade roller by home-grown artisanal aromatherapy label Mmerci Encore (@mmercinencore). Intrigued, I started reading up more about it. The label has its own jade face roller (sold here at $25) but it's out of stock (you can place your orders, though! According to the site, they'll be restocked sometime in April). Good thing for me, I managed to score one at the recent Boutique Fairs at the F1 Pit Building and was super excited to try. 

Image souce: Mmerci Encore

While the jade stone is cool and can work its magic as is, it's better to keep it in the fridge. The super cold temperature is very, very refreshing and it's great for the skin. Most of the time, I "roll it out" before going to bed. Basically, I make sure that I've cleansed my skin, wiped dry and then moisturise. I let my skin rest for a couple of minutes, long enough to let the cream and toner be absorbed into the skin, before rolling the jade contraption.  

The larger roller is for your face in general, while the smaller roller is for the area around your eyes. Just like applying cream, always roll in an upward motion (or rather, direct the roller upwards). You want to ensure that your skin is lifted and not sagging down.

I always start on my forehead and, in an outward and upward sort of motion, go in a clockwise direction around my face, making sure that I roll at least three times per surface area. I also do it slowly and with a mild pressure. Not sure why I do that but I convinced myself that that would actually stimulate more collagen to surface and give that brighter, youthful skin. 

Keep at it for about two to three minutes. 

My favourite is to use the smaller roller, which has just been taken out of the fridge, in the mornings. Rolling it slowly and with a gentle pressure, the effect on the under-eye area is amazing. For one, the sudden drop in temperature certainly wakes you up and secondly, it helps to reduce under-eye puffiness almost immediately (I blame late night Netflix binge for the puffiness). 

The best part about this? You can be rolling any time of the day and it can be done while you're watching the TV, or reading the papers, or just catching up on your social media feeds. 

Thus far, I'm pretty sold on this. I'm not entirely sure about the balanced qi aspect, but i've only started using this so perhaps it takes a longer time for the mambo-jambo to work. 

Try it for yourself and let me know what you think about it! Pre-order your own jade face roller now at Mmerci Encore.

Do you have a non-conventional beauty routine you want to share? Let me know, I'm always on the lookout for new things to try. (: