The team's favourite astrologers
Whether it’s an app or an actual person reading the stars, we have them covered
Image by Vedrana Filipovic
Nejla’s Pick
Like most, I always enjoy reading my horoscope when it’s right in front of me. I rarely went out of my way to actually read my horoscope that is until I read an article depicting the head of a tech company warning her team when Mercury was in retrograde was happening and to actually get prepared. Funnily enough at the time, we just experienced Mercury in retrograde and let’s just say that strange things were happening around me.
Since then, I have downloaded the Astrology Zone by Susan Miller and I am even on the yearly subscription.
Whether you believe in astrology or not, it is good at times to go and check out what the stars are up to - especially when things seems to be falling apart around you. I read mostly my monthly horoscope, and the Susan Miller one is so detailed with dates and other advices that I actually have a good cup of tea and notepad next to it when I’m reading the page. Naturally, as you have already guessed, I mark my calendar with the dates Mercury will be in retrograde as, over the years, we have noticed some never happened before bugs on the site and some even stranger miscommunications issues. These days, I have even taken to warning the team during our team meetings about it. Often times, the new recruits won’t get it - that is until they experience at least one cycle themselves.
Susan Miller is extremely detailed in her horoscope and sometimes it can sound a bit like gibberish for astrology novice. However, over the years, I have found that she is often on point and as I write down all the dates that she mentioned in her monthly readings of my own horoscope, I also enjoy going back and checking if anything she predicted did indeed happened. More often than not, they did.
Listen, I am not a total convert and I can totally live my life without referring to it but I still enjoy doing so. The free version does offer the daily horoscope but as I rarely use it on a daily basis, it made more sense for me to get the full subscription. Funnily enough, a few weeks back a collector of ours mentioned The Pattern and it piqued my curiosity. So, now that it made it on PageFive (read below), I will definitely be checking it out next.
Chelsea’s Pick
"Capricorns are determined to make things happen during their lifetime. They’re known for their serious focus, especially in youth." —astrologer Elisabeth Grace
I’m a Capricorn, and just like my sign suggests, I like to seize opportunities and commit to them but, of course, with a little guidance to lead me to the right path.
I’ve always been intrigued by horoscopes and astrology and when I first signed up for Co—Star, it started from a monthly check in to weekly then daily. What I love about this app is that it provides daily horoscopes, comparison of charts with friends and your overall astrological chart based of your exact time, date and place of birth. The daily charts often aligns with whatever I’m going through during a specific period or situation. It is definitely easy to navigate around and the accuracy of the daily forecasts (and of course how entertaining it is contributes to the growing popularity of this app among millennials in the recent years.
The whole picture of Co—Star is that with your whole astrological chart, this app reveals more details about your traits, strengths, weaknesses, compatibility with other signs in terms of love or friendship. Although there is always this debate on whether astrology is real, but to me, these charts and factors that are derived from it are great for knowing, a way of understanding myself better and can be a coping device to keep myself grounded.
Rohai’s Pick
Truth be told, I don’t really read into astrology much. I’ve tried but more often than not, readings into the future never actually happens in my case. Yes, I do follow Susan Miller, and a host of other astrologers, and while some things are rather accurate, others are not. For instance, when reading my monthly horoscope, there will be some indication that on certain days, when planet x is in planet y, and the stars are aligned, romance will happen. Not-so-spoiler-alert: Never happens.
Am I supposed to be doing something else so that these things will take place? Or are my stars just out of whack? I couldn’t help but wonder.
However, what I do find very interesting to read are more personal readings, that speak about your personality traits. This is where The Pattern comes in. Basically, it is an astrology-meets-social network app that helps you better understand yourself. In other words, it’s not about telling you that XYZ is going to happen on ABC days (there is a bit on that, though). Rather, it is more about how and why you are experiencing or feeling a certain thing at this given period of time.
The Pattern does not use terms that revolve around the sun signs or aspects of it. Instead, it provides user-friendly personality passages that read more like a Myers-Briggs result. It provides you with information about yourself simply by creating a profile, and entering in your birth chart information (i.e. name and birth date, time, and place).
Plus, you can enter in the birth chart of anyone you know, even strangers; the more information you have regarding their birth chart, the more accurate the reading will be. You can also add your friends and the app will tell you about them, as well as your relationship with them. Cool, huh?
I first heard of this app back in 2019 when Channing Tatum (yes, the Magic Mike actor) first tweeted about it, and how accurate it is. The question he posed was simple: "How do you know what you know about me Pattern?". Truthfully, that was enough to pique my interest. So, I downloaded it and have been using the app on-and-off for the last three years or so. I never really thought much about it until I had to write this post, which got me thinking as to why I like the app alot. Basically, it makes me feel like I’m in control of my life, yet am not in control - if that makes sense? Hear me out. The Pattern app is essentially a tool, and like most tools, it really depends on how you (the user) use and apply it. You are given clues as to what may happen and why you may be feeling what you are feeling. It also allows you to see that to achieve what you want to achieve personally, there are many steps and boundaries that you have to cross and take. In other words, you are a constant work in progress. Thus, it is up to you how you want your life to go.
There are information about your growth, your destiny, your instincts - and, truth be told, these are scarily accurate for me. So much so, I’m not sure this app should have these information. heh. And that is what makes the app both interesting and slightly scary.
You should try it out for yourself and see.